Soiree Vernacular: Canapé

Many people have been serving canapés at their parties for years and just didn't know it. Canapé, pronounced like can-uh-pay, is the French term for an appetizer which uses toast, crackers or bread as a base topped with savory items such as cheeses, meats, spreads or relish. Canapés can either be hot or cold and they are often very salty or spicy to elicit thirst.
One of my favorite takes on the Canapé is a layered lox version with thin shaved smoked salmon and chunky cream cheese spread (cream cheese, capers, diced red onion & crumbled hard-boiled egg yolk) on melba toast topped with a sprig of dill and fresh ground pepper.
If you can't think of any reason to serve canapés at your next function, this one and only reason should be why...the simple fact that you get to utter such a fun word out loud...say it with me, Canapé.
Until next time...Bon Appétit!